To James: Macron has also definitely caught my attention! Not going to pin the tail on him, as not for sure he is the donkey. But surely he raises some red flags.
To Spacethinker: Welcome!!! Many people believe what you have just stated. Could be true, or maybe not. I call this one the "left behind book" version. lol
For anyone who likes to read a lot, my thoughts:
So many different things are possible. Like, my latest theory (which my theories and all theories here are speculation and not concrete fact, because we just won't know for sure till after it happens or until after Jesus reveals it to us); my latest theory is that the USA is the head of the beast that was wounded unto death and then resurrected. Not a person, but a nation. My thoughts are that the Babylonian Empire was way back when what the USA is today. Therefore, the USA is mystery Babylon, daughter of Babylon, the harlot that rides the beast, and however else is referred to in the Bible.
(One interesting thing, maybe 3-4 weeks ago, maybe even more and not sure; but I have this Archeological KJV Bible that I read from a good bit. I love history, and learning about it, and past cultures, and all that good stuff. This Bible is great for that because it has on almost every page an article or blurb about how life was for those who lived in ancient times. I forget exactly what chapter I was reading; but I came to a place where the word "harlot" was used (but it wasn't in Revelation). On that page there was an article about ancient times, and how people (including Israel when they were living out of God's Will and worshipping idols); how men and women would go to worship whatever Satanic thing they were worshipping... and there at the temple, shrine, or whatever they called where they had these idols set up, there were temple prostitutes who worked there, were appointed to be there, who knows. These people though, they were not called whores, and the word whore was akin to our use of it today, and to the word "slut" that we use today. The word "harlot" though, was considered a good thing, an honor. Harlots were those who worked at the various shrines and temples of the gods and what they did was considered "worship" and considered "holy". Make no mistake, what they did was SIN. And God does not and would NEVER want us to worship Him through intentionally sinning and breaking His Commandments. Most people though... they didn't worship God. They worshipped gods (fallen angels, demons, nephilim, and all of Satan). These were their "Gods". There were both female and male "harlots". And so people would go to "worship", and this is what they did, and considered high honor, these "harlots".)
Anyways, all of that to give an idea of the word "harlot" as in context to it's use in Revelation. We, the USA, are the harlot (not a fact, but just my personal thoughts). The Babylonian empire, with Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel (who got there because he was a captive), and if interested in all this, read the books of Daniel, and Jeremiah also has much information about the first Babylon. This Babylon died, fell, is gone, is desolate, and God destroyed it. King Cyrus was used of God to "bring His People out of her". God also used this first Babylon in correcting Israel as they had fallen so far from God. God corrected them (and usually we are corrected by being HUMBLED, by being brought to our knees and pretty much suffering the consequences of our own sin). God used Babylon to do this, and Babylon was a nation of multitudes (many different cultures) and it represented all of the Gentiles in the world at that time.
Today, the USA is a nation of multitudes (combination of many nations and cultures because truly, no one is "American" and we are a hodgepodge of all peoples who have come from all over the world). The kings of the earth have all committed "fornication" with us, and so we are the harlot (we sleep with every nation in the world... all in an act of worship to the prince of this world... prince of the air... Satan). We pretty much run things; or at least we think we do and just like the first Babylon thought they did. So, yeah, we have fornicated with all the kings of the earth, have used them to our own benefit. Of course, sometimes for that other country or nation... just that sometimes they are also benefitted by our many "deals" and sometimes they are hurt and even killed by them. All the world wonders after the USA though, at least up until now they have (don't know how much longer but I do believe we are in the process of falling, falling... although we ain't seen NOTHING yet per Rev 17, 18 and Jeremiah 51). At least...
if we are "mystery Babylon" we definitely ain't seen nothing yet! And I think we are. Not the Vatican (this is what people say and especially us Americans because we are in denial, because we are human, and because if "mystery Babylon" is us... well... that scares the ever loving crap out of us! And so we say... it's the Vatican. Hmmmm, I don't think. Vatican definitely plays a role and not a good one (as I believe lock, stock, and sinker they are of Satan).
It's the same thing though... like for us average people who just happen to live in the USA and we don't have a lot to do with if anything to do with what happens on the world stage. Neither does the average Catholic have anything to do with or even know about the evil that is the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
Oh my goodness though, and I have gone way off from just making that one statement of what my theory and speculation is. All above is why I think that though. First Babylon is already gone. And we are her daughter, the harlot, the USA. We represent Gentiles just as the first Babylon did. No need to worry though, or make plans to get out of dodge. Well, unless you don't know Jesus... then my suggestion would be... not to get out of dodge... but to give your heart to Jesus!
We are not to fear and He will take care of us, He will bring us out of her. He is our Ark as God took care of Noah in Noah's day by instructing Him to build an ark. Noah trusted God and so Noah listened. We who are His People need to be watching, and listening for God. Take a look around, as with all going on in the world, disappearing oceans everywhere, raining fish (but msm says that is normal don't ya know!); and so is disappearing oceans, completely normal! The Revelation 12 Sign. I could go on and on, but those few things to demonstrate and prove that God IS speaking to us! For us, to keep listening to God, follow His Instructions, and most important trust Him with the same amount of trust that Noah trusted Him with (building a huge ark in land that was dry as a bone and had never in history seen a raindrop).
If we trust Him, He will make a way for us, and "bring us out of her". Maybe by Rapture (this is what I'm thinking will happen). But could be a different way and I don't know and it is not for tiny and insignificant me to tell God just how exactly I want Him to save me, to save us all. All I do know, I trust Him; and He Will Do It and He will save us. And I think, just as happened in ancient times with the first Babylon... just that God uses the USA as a representation of all the Gentile Nations. And He uses us to correct Israel, to wake her up, to bring her to her knees by making her humble so she must call out to Him to save her. And I think that maybe He will use us, those who belong to Jesus Christ, the Gentile remnant... use us to help Israel once she has realized her grievous sins and turns back to God, except this time they WILL turn to Jesus Christ and believe in Him, and they will repent. And God will use us Gentiles to help her, same as He used King Cyrus to help her a very long time ago.
I love studying His Word. And I also love reading of the many different possibilities based upon man's many different interpretations of His Word. Most important advice I could ever give to anyone:
1. Trust Him with ALL
2. Do NOT put God in a box. Do not fall for any "one" interpretation of "mankind" and then to put all of your eggs in that basket, so to say. Do not put ANY eggs in mankind's basket. Put ALL of them in God's Basket. Ask Jesus to show you personally through His Holy Spirit by revealing Truth to you as you read His Word. If one doesn't read His Word... well then... must not want to know that badly. God isn't just going to reveal everything, and especially to people who are not even following Him. The more time you spend with Him, the more He will show you. Ask Him to ERASE every single thing in your head that has been put there by man. This includes most everything you were taught in brick and mortar church. It's not complicated though. Pray and ask Him to remove all that is false from you, and to replace it with His Truth (which is the only Truth, by the way lol). Then open your Bible and get to work. And prepare to be AMAZED!!! All that is needed: you and your genuine heart, His Word, The Holy Spirit. Words can't even begin to say, the miracles that happen every single day... since I have started doing this. How close I am to Him. How the "stuff" of this world simply does not get to me or upset me like it used to, and because it doesn't upset me... I don't get angry with people... and I don't sin by my anger, my flesh which always wants it's way and wants vindication. All that vindication, it will happen, as each and every one of us WILL stand before God. Vindication is not mine to give. It is His. For me is to follow Him, do as He tells me, and give ALL to Him. He will convict who needs convicting. When He does... doesn't necessarily mean that the person He has convicted will actually listen to Him and follow Him. They may very well tell Him to "shove off", or rationalize in their own minds that they are following Him when in fact they are NOT and they know in their heart they are not. I know. I've been there, done that. No thanks and it is so much easier just listening to Him, and I am so much happier just listening to Him! He heals and restores me daily and my love for Him grows and grows.