Hello Again, Boraddict,
Wow, I can see that you have put a lot of time and work into this and I really really admire that. I seems really complicated and confusing, but please don't take that as a criticism.
I don't understand a lot of things the normal way others do.
I hope that this will help clarify.
First of all, it's off because Passover is always in Nissan, not Aviv. Passover along with the other six feasts are Shabbat (Sabbath) There is One word for Sabbath. There is weekly sabath, Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, and all the 7 feasts are also Shabbath.
As I explained earlier the Catholic leaders blamed the Jews for Christ's death, and this resulted in centuries of Anti-Semitism. Even the translators, employed by the church didn't understand Hebrew culture or worldview.
I must first add that I care about this a lot, because of what's at stake here. It's not just a matter of discussing the meaning of Nephilim, or debating who the two witnesses are.
What's at stake are the very claims of Christ, and the only sign he gave as proof of his Messiahship.
Using the 'National Treasure' analogy again, there are riddles, clues and the glasses. You have to solve the clues and decipher the riddles correctly to get the glasses, and the glasses have to be combined with the map to get the treasure.
The Catholic church never got the memo about "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" so they didn't solve the clues correctly. [Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction. ]
The glasses are the Hebrew worldview - 2 huge things to consider. Sabbaths, and Hebrew culture regarding death. *** This will be another thread.
Then we have the key pieces of the puzzle.
- Basic Hermeneutics 101 Principles of the methods of Biblical interpretation
- The only sign Christ gave that He is the Messiah [Sign of Jonah
- The Two Sabbaths -
- The Secret really is in the Spices, and we're not talking chicken
- Roman Guard
- Hebrew culture re selecting the lamb
- Hebrew Culture - hidden clue in Bethany
- Hostile witnesses
- Stars and Blood moons. Evidence from science.
Passover is always Nissan 14. Passover is a Sabbath one of the 7 Feasts ordained by God himself as 'Moadim' - literally means 'appointed times' and is used by Daniel and Christ himself to refer to the Second Advent -[All the end-times events - rapture, tribulation, and Second coming]
Feast of Unleavened Bread is a separate Feast which lasts for 7 days, in which no leaven/ yeast could be eaten. THey cleaned out their barns, attics and storehouses. It's important to note that leaven is a picture for sin.
The first and last days of Feast of Unleavened bread are High Sabbath and no work of any kind can be done.
Passover is a Sabbath but work can be done - slaughter the lamb, dress it, make a fire and roast it. *** This was done by families in their homes.
Passover was Preparation Day for Feast of Unleavened bread -
Scripture is explicitly clear that the women bought spices before the Sabbath and after the Sabbath. There is only one possible correct solution.
- Christ was crucified on Nissan 14, Passover, between the evenings - twilight. Wednesday afternoon, and was our Passover Lamb that takes away the sins of the world.
-Jonah said explicitly that he was in the belly of the fish 3 days and 3 nights -- Not a day and a half.
-Christ used exactly the same words and even quoted Jonah, and said that just as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish, so the Son of Man would be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.
- They rested on High Sabbath of Feast of Unleavened Bread -Wednesday night/Thursday day. Night 1 & Day 1
-Then, they bought spices on Friday - [After High Sabbath of Feast of Unleavened Bread, and before the weekly Sabbath.
Buying and selling was forbidden on the High Sabbath and Weekly Sabbath.
[This is also why a Thursday crucifixion is impossible, no opportunity to buy Spices, and a Tuesday Crucifixion doesn't work either, because this would put the resurrection on Friday Night/Saturday morning, and scripture says in black and white that the women went to the tomb on the first day of the week. ]
- The Roman Guard. Scripture says explicitly that the next day after the crucifixion [this is the High Sabbath - Feast of Unleavened Bread, the priests went to Pilate and that he gave them a guard for three days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Whoever went before these three days would have been arrested.
***This is one of the nails in the coffin of the Friday crucifixion myth. - Friday Catholic myth would mean that the guard was placed on the tomb on Saturday - only being there less than one whole day.
Scripture is also clear in the original Greek, that there were two Sabbaths, but most translations in Matthew 28:1 say Sabbath, but anyone can check this in a Greek Interlinear bible and see that it says, After the Sabbaths. [Plural.] www.blueletterbible.org
- Hermeneutics 101 Bible interpretation. One of the basic principles of Bible interpretation iis that we interpret scripture with scripture, and clear passages always trump or supercede unclear passages. We cross reference the words of Christ himself and it matches the exact same words of Jonah.
If the Bible text seems to make literal sense, seek no other sense or it will be nonsense. We should always at the context, and genre and look to what the text is literally saying at face value. There is no reason to 'read into' the text something that is not there. To do so is 'eisegesis'. To incorrectly invoke Jewish inclusive reckoning here, [part of a day is considered a whole day] violates the basic principles of Bible interpretation.
A ten year old child can do a word problem and see the fallacy of the Friday crucifixion myth. . "If Jesus were crucified on Friday afternoon, and the next day a guard and a seal was placed on the tomb for 3 days, what day could Mary go to the tomb?
- Jewish tradition regarding death. This will be dealt with in more detail in another thread. But to try to make it simple, I will condense it here. It is well-documented that in Jewish tradition, Jews believe that the spirit lingers near the body for 3 days. Not a day a half. Less than three days and the person could be in a coma, and there is still a chance for resurrection.
After 3 days, and the spirit has left the body, and the person is dead - not a coma, and thus, resurrection is impossible.
Now, my fellow watchmen friends. There is in scripture 3 examples of people who were dead and resurrected. All three of these passages, the person/ people were dead at least 3 full days. Two of the passages are well known and can be re-told by middle school kids. The third one is a lot more obscure, but I'm sure that @natalie and barb84 , kjs mike, stormyknight and several others here would instantly be aware. In John chapter 11, we read the story of Lazarus, and Christ said that he was sleeping. His Jewish disciples, thought that Christ meant literal sleep -as stated clearly in the passage.
Remember the Jewish tradition of the spirit lingering near the body for 3 days -- Jesus then had to clarify - and said that Lazarus was dead. He had been in the tomb four days. ***To every Jewish person, resurrection was now out of the question, the body had already began to stink and decompose. The coma theory was gone.
Christ said so that they would believe He is the Resurrection and the Life, he waited. Why would he wait, when it was in his power to come sooner?? In doing so, [he could have come 2 days earlier, while Lazarus was sleeping] he proved his power over death and the grave. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Lazarus was truly and technically and culturally dead.
I want the readers to come up with the other key passage about someone being resurrected, Jesus, Lazarus, and ____________.
- In every case, 3 cases they were dead - at least 3 days and 3 nights. [You can use 'phone-a-watchman' for help. LOL.
- Because the translators and Catholic leaders didn't have the glasses, and didn't follow the Order of Operations, they can't see the map. Their eyes are blinded, - in the same exact way that the eyes of Jewish people are blinded and can't see the Messiah.
- On the tenth of Nisan the Lamb was selected. [Because they didn't understand Jewish worldview, Catholic leaders incorrectly assumed Friday was the Sabbath mentioned in the gospels, then counted backwards from Friday, but counted at Romans - Six days before the Passover, - they started with Thursday, - this gave them a Saturday. Again, Bethany was too far for a Sabbath day's journey. When we use Jewish inclusive reckoning - including false Friday day, it would mean Nissan 10, Christ entered Jerusalem on a Monday. ****This is why the Friday myth and the Palm Sunday myth are inseparable.
- On the 14th of Nisan - Christ was Crucified on Passover -
- Christ was in the Grave on Feast of Unleavened Bread - Christ was without sin of any kind. Perfect spotless lamb. 3 days and 3 nights in the grave, and then raised to the Father and perfectly fulfilled Feast of Firstfruits.
50 days later, the Church was conceived, and Feast of Weeks, Pentecost was fulfilled.
I know it's hard when people have been taught a lie, but we are called to be like the Bereans. Christ's claims to be the Messiah are either solid and trustworthy or they aren't. If we can't accept Christ's own claims as the one sign he gave, as true - then it's senseless to believe anything in the Bible. We might as well all just study Aesop's Fables.
1. The biggest reason people won't accept this, is not lack of evidence, but fear of what men will think. Don't want to be viewed as a troublemaker - going against tradition, and
2. they feel not equipped - how can they argue because most Christians don't have a seminary degree.
The pastors have heard this myth all their lives, so they have to totally disregard Basic principles of Hermeneutics which they learned in seminary because at the end of the day, they can't explain the spices or the guards and a Palm Monday. ;-)
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Disciple for Life.