Great posts Jenmom and James!
I think the along the exact same lines as y'all do.
Lately, there have been many meteor/unidentified flying object sightings. There is one channel in particular on youtube that I go to, as I trust this guy. He posts about things such as this (though he reports on facts only and doesn't speculate on what he thinks these things are). Me, however, I speculate! And I think that fallen angels are falling to earth!
Here is a link to his channel where there are many videos about all these recent meteor sightings, also he does weather related coverage and things like that (may already have seen the videos as they are linked often at this forum). don't know how long all these angels are going to keep falling. Hopefully they hurry up and fall already! Because in the next verse, WE GO HOME!!! And, I am just SO READY!!!
Every day for me lately, just that spiritually speaking, every day for months and months now has been a
great day! Only reason it is though, is because as soon as I wake up in the morning, I flee from the world and to Jesus. Then as I go about my day, I remember Him and talk to Him. And as soon as I get home from being out in the world, just that I still feel like I'm fighting the world, and I am. Because me and my husband have got very different views, and are at very different places spiritually (I am all in; and he is clearly not interested.)
It's not been easy, as he and I have differing views on so much. For him, he thinks a relationship with Jesus is saying grace before dinner. And since we've had family time most nights (as we don't every night because of me/he getting home too late, the kids complaining and fighting the entire time, stuff like that), that is now part of Eric's relationship with Jesus. It can be so frustrating because it's like he just doesn't care, just doesn't try at all. Not even for me, he won't try.
I used to be NOT such a good wife. A pretty horrible one, actually. During that time, Eric was on me like white on rice. He monitored everything I did, to the point of spying on me by keeping tabs on all my computer and social media stuff (read every single thing I wrote, and because he is tech smart he had his ways of I guess figuring out all I was up to whether I wanted him to know about it or not). He kept track of me by gps. He even followed me around or have his friends/family follow me around to spy on me when I went out with friends. All of that, my pre 2010 years (2010 is when my life changed BIG TIME because... looking back now... I think that I was saved before 2010, but I was SURELY NOT living or even trying to live according to God's Will and I was... well... kind of like my husband is now, except that since we are different people, different sin).
Presently, and because I have changed, just that exactly what my husband used to beg of me to be... a loving wife, family oriented, stay at home and not go out all the time, to do things together. I am that wife that he wanted back then. He though, it's like he could care less about me, anything that interests me, anything I want to talk about, anything happening in my life that I want to share with him... he doesn't want to hear it... doesn't care. One example... just that people who read my posts here know more about me and what is going on concerning my mom... and how we are finally in some communication with each other (yay!)... people here know more than he does. Because he just doesn't want to hear it. Anything faith related and about Jesus, same thing, he doesn't want to hear it.
The only time he ever wants to talk about anything is if it has to do with him. And so he will sit downstairs and drink and watch television shows that I completely can not stand because to me they are TRASH and time would be better spent... I don't know... anything... picking lint off the carpet... then to watch the nasty filth that he watches 24/7 because he says he needs to destress and laugh and he loves the family guy because it is just so, so funny and makes him forget about stress and work and just laugh. For me, it makes me MAD. Between that, and the drinking, and so I go to my "safe space" (lol, not a Millennial snowflake, promise!); which is our bedroom (though mainly my husband is up late every night, doing his own thing, falls asleep watching tv). And I relax by reading God's Word, by praying, by coming here, going to youtube, things like that.
I sent him videos for a while. At first, they were things that interest me, that I wanted to share with him about Jesus, about the Revelation 12 Sign, videos by Scottie Clarke and Barry Scarbrough, things like that. And to this day, despite promising me he would, he has never watched even a single one of them. I finally gave up on that, but would send him things as I came across them that I thought would interest him... things such as videos from the link I put in this post, because Eric is very interested in the weather (we have about 3-4 different weather station computer things in our house and no idea why we need all of them but Eric loves them, will measure snow, rain, things like that, is very interested in the weather, in astronomy). So I will try to talk to him about things like that, or will send him things like that, thinking he will watch it. I've sent him the link to this place, and nothing. I've sent him this really cool link that a member here pm'd to me, having to do with science and creationism basically... and things that I KNOW Eric is "into". Still, nothing. He is very NOT interested at all.
However, if it is something that he deems attention worthy, he will not only send me the video, but will then immediately bombard me:
"What do you think? Did you watch it yet? Wasn't that so funny? Did you see the way that cat fell off the counter and then farted? Ha, ha, ha!" Always some videos with potty humor, even some of the time not funny at all but I think disgusting. Recently, he wanted me to sit there for 20 minutes as he showed me a video of where a bear went into his parent's backyard. And I watched it. And it was BORING, and I'd of rather have been doing a million other different things than watching some bear walk around doing nothing in a yard. But all of these things... I watch them... and I comment and converse with Eric, and if it is the stupid fart humor my husband loves, even though personally I think it is about the most asinine thing ever, I'll still text back lol funny, or whatever (though the sexual, or filth language ones, I do tell him don't send me that and I don't think is funny).
Point is though, I try. Because it interests and is important to him. He could care less though, to do the same for me. Last weekend, we had ordered out Indian food. I wasn't very hungry at the time and so I made a bowl with some rice and paneer tikka. We ordered 3 full size dishes, for just the 2 of us, as the kids don't like it and so we got them McDonald's. Well, next day I went down to make myself a plate... and... ALL GONE. Not any at all left! Three entire restaurant entree's! (I know what happened, and Eric sits and watches tv and drinks. Then he gets hungry and eats way more than he should and stuffs himself full and then he passes out on the couch.) But... come on! Can't he save me just one meal's worth? So frustrating and I did say something, not mean, but asked him why didn't he save me any food. And he LOST IT. One would have thought I had just berated him, had just insulted him calling him names. But no, I just said "Is there any food left?" He said no. I said why didn't you save me any as you know I love Indian food? And that was all she wrote, he yelled and screamed, as if I had just done some horrible unspeakable injustice to him.
Truly, I think it is that this world is coming more and more under the influence of Satan. I see it everywhere: when I am driving people being nasty to each other, in line at the checkout... selfish and horrible people, and just everywhere. Even can see it at my own house unfortunately. And I see how it will happen just as the Bible says that family member will turn against family member; as it is already happening to an extent and is so sad.
And I am just SO ready to go Home!!! I love my family more than I love my own life. That said, I love God First. No matter what. And I just feel in my Spirit, like it is time to go Home. And God WILL take care of all whom I love and have prayed for. And if they know Him like I think they do, even if they haven't allowed His Holy Spirit to sanctify them much... if they believe in their hearts in "Jesus Only" (verses "Jesus Plus" which I have genuine concerns with many of my family regarding). But... I trust God concerning them. They will come Home at the same time I do, when He comes to get us! Or, they will be following shortly behind me if their hearts need some correction first. Either way, I know He loves them, He will set them straight, He Will Save Them!
Thanks to unsealed, for allowing me to come here and rant about my frustrations. Let's go Home already!