even the atheists know apocalypse is near...

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EnochWalked: www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/03/venezuela-nicolas-maduro-christmas "Maduro declares Christmas in October amid Venezuela’s post-election strife. Authoritarian president moves up... celebrations... to apparently distract from... crisis" Sept 3, 2024 15:55:41 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-09-03/altman-infrastructure-plan-aims-to-spend-tens-of-billions-in-us "Global plan for AI would start with major push in the US. OpenAI’s CEO and deputies have been pitching global investors." A new world order? Sept 4, 2024 5:27:07 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240903-nato-member-turkey-seeks-to-join-brics-nations-says-process-is-under-way "Turkey has taken no concrete steps towards meeting its stated desire to join the BRICS group". It could become the 10th member. Sept 4, 2024 7:09:32 GMT -6
EnochWalked: For what it's worth, this Reddit community has been set to private in the last couple of days: old.reddit.com/r/5September2024/ "A community devoted to surviving 5th September 2024." They were never very clear about what the danger was. Sept 5, 2024 6:36:53 GMT -6
EnochWalked: I only saw about 4 different posts made there, even though it was apparently created over 3 years ago. old.reddit.com/r/5September2020/comments/jfoe0t/r5september2024_has_been_taken_over_by_me/ Seems to have been the sequel to a 2020 prediction. Sept 5, 2024 6:38:53 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2319417023000872 "allowing the virus persists indefinitely and causing an Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome." Claims that COVID is a type of AIDS? I don't know if that has been peer (or grammar) reviewed. Sept 5, 2024 12:17:52 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/03/benjamin-netanyahu-putting-his-own-interests-before-israels-says-gantz "Political rival says PM ‘sees himself as the state’ after Netanyahu speech ruling out Gaza ceasefire concessions" Sept 5, 2024 12:32:17 GMT -6
EnochWalked: Progress had been made on a deal, but: “[Netanyahu] torpedoed everything in one speech.” "Hamas has since said the latest version of the proposal on the table diverges significantly from the initial plan because new Israeli demands have been added" Sept 5, 2024 12:35:11 GMT -6
EnochWalked: It is still in Netanyahu's interest to keep the war going as long as possible, maybe even until January when he can get Trump's help to bomb Iran. That could delay Israeli elections even longer, or possibly lead to "emergency powers" granted to Netanyahu. Sept 5, 2024 12:37:10 GMT -6
EnochWalked: "a ceasefire deal could cause Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners to abandon the government, triggering new elections. The longtime leader sees staying in office as the best way of beating a litany of corruption charges". A conflict of interest. Sept 5, 2024 12:39:01 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.dw.com/en/us-uk-eu-sign-international-ai-treaty/a-70144667 'The Council of Europe hailed the agreement as the "first international ... treaty" on the use of AI systems. It said it was an open treaty that could be signed by more countries.' Sept 5, 2024 19:16:37 GMT -6
EnochWalked: "Besides the EU, the US & the UK, the treaty was also signed by Andorra, Georgia, ... San Marino & Israel. Also involved in negotiating the treaty were Argentina, Austrlaia, Canada, Costa Rica, the Vatican, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay" Sept 5, 2024 19:18:26 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.theverge.com/2024/9/5/24237254/telegram-pavel-durov-arrest-private-chats-moderation-policy-change "All Telegram apps have ‘Report’ buttons that let you flag illegal content for our moderators". Ready for when evangelism becomes "illegal content" Sept 6, 2024 3:44:27 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.france24.com/en/europe/20240906-summer-2024-hottest-ever-recorded-on-the-planet-eu-climate-change-monitor-says "Data from Copernicus, Europe’s climate change service, shows June to August as the hottest period since records began in 1940." Sept 6, 2024 4:18:21 GMT -6
EnochWalked: I was reading Ezekiel chapter 1 today, and pondered whether the vision at the start might partially match how someone back then would describe a modern day quadcopter drone if they were to have seen one. Apparently I'm not the first to make this connection Sept 6, 2024 6:47:51 GMT -6
EnochWalked: steveawiggins.com/2015/09/17/ezekiels-drones/ The blogger includes an image of the cover of "The Spaceships of Ezekiel", which is a book written before the advent of quadcopter drones. The "spaceship" it depicts nevertheless has some similarities. Sept 6, 2024 6:50:35 GMT -6
EnochWalked: I don't mind that this self-described 'biblical scholar' is open-minded about the connection, but when he rhetorically asks 'Is [seeing into the future] something prophets ever did?' he somehow emphatically answers '“no,” of course'. How disappointing. Sept 6, 2024 6:57:22 GMT -6
EnochWalked: thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4865482-trump-harris-florida-texas-poll/ "New poll shows Florida, Texas within margin of error in Harris-Trump race". Says more about polling error than about Texas. If Harris loses Texas, will she blame the deep state? Sept 6, 2024 10:53:21 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/06/iran-warns-russia-against-siding-with-azerbaijan-in-border-dispute "Row may signal that newly elected Tehran government is willing to take tougher line with Moscow". Why would Russia back Azerbaijan? Sept 6, 2024 11:26:29 GMT -6
EnochWalked: In Hungary: telex.hu/english/2024/09/06/star-priest-who-blessed-both-the-prime-ministers-office-and-megafon-may-have-been-attending-gay-parties-catholic-church-launches-investigation "had maintained long-term, intimate relationships with other men" Sept 6, 2024 11:29:08 GMT -6
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